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Ketel One Vodka 700ml

Nosing Ketel One Vodka will return hints of citrus and honey. After a sip of Ketel One Vodka, you'll taste a crisp, unmistakable coolness. Feel Ketel One Vodka generously and smoothly coats the tongue. The finish of Ketel One Vodka leaves a lively tingle, reminding you of its quality.

KJ & Co Distillery Alpine Premium Vodka 700ml

Alpine Vodka is a premium New Zealand Vodka artisanally produced using pure NZ alpine water, delivering a vodka of superb smoothness and flavour. Alpine Vodka works perfectly with your favourite mixer or as a base for your quality cocktails.

Kristov Red 13.9% 1 Litre

Our vodka is smooth, clean and sophisticated. The perfect base to any drink.

Medoff Classic Vodka 1 Litre

Medoff Vodka is renowned for its exceptional smoothness and its outstanding flavour.

Medoff Classic Vodka 200ml

Medoff Vodka is renowned for its exceptional smoothness and its outstanding flavour.

Reyka Small Batch Vodka 700ml

Iceland is a land of massive glaciers and subterranean volcanoes. It's home to psychedelic nocturnal auroras, unicorn whales (technically they're called narwhals), and really cozy sweaters. It's a place unlike anywhere. And home to a vodka unlike any other.

Rogue Society Signature Vodka 700ml

Rogue Society Signature Vodka. The perfect canvas for crafting cocktails. Botanicals: Wheat based grain, water (Clutha River, Southern Alps, New Zealand) Tasting notes: Creamy upfront wheat, apple & mint builds complexity, dry & long with a buttery mouthful.

Royal Bison Vodka 700ml

A premium class vodka, 'Royal Bison'. This is one of the vodka which contains only alcohol and water. The alcohol is premium quality and the water from an artesian well with a depth of 220 meters. It also goes through turquoise filtration which filters the purest form in alcohol and water. The stylish box underlines the status and exclusivity of the product.

Simply Pure Blue Duck Rare Vodka 700ml

Named after the endangered and New Zealand endemic bird, Blue Duck Vodka is a super premium vodka with a seriously smooth finish. Blue Duck Rare Vodka is handcrafted and batch-distilled using a copper Arnold-Holstein hybrid still in their base in the hills above Tauranga by Master Distiller Micheal Deinlein, who's family have been making alcoholic beverages since the 1930's. After a total of seven distillations, Simply Pure blend the distillate with filtered water sourced from a spring underneath their distillery resulting in our seriously smooth international award winning Blue Duck Vodka. With every bottle sold they make a donation to their charity partners that help protect NZ's native species and wild places.

Smirnoff Red No.21 Vodka 1 Litre

Smirnoff No. 21 Red Vodka, also known as Red Label, is celebrated as the world's best-selling premium vodka. Its iconic reputation stems from a meticulous distillation process: triple-distilled from a blend of grains and filtered ten times through seven columns of sustainable charcoal. This results in its exceptionally smooth, pure taste that is both soft and full-bodied.

Smirnoff Red No.21 Vodka 6x1 Litre

Smirnoff No. 21 Red Vodka, also known as Red Label, is celebrated as the world's best-selling premium vodka. Its iconic reputation stems from a meticulous distillation process: triple-distilled from a blend of grains and filtered ten times through seven columns of sustainable charcoal. This results in its exceptionally smooth, pure taste that is both soft and full-bodied.

Smirnoff Red No.21 Vodka 700ml

Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka is the World's No. 1 Vodka. Our award-winning vodka has robust flavour with a dry finish for ultimate smoothness and clarity. Triple distilled and 10 times filtered, our vodka is perfect on the rocks or in your favourite cocktail. Smirnoff No. 21 is Kosher Certified and gluten free.
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