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Daniel Le Brun Méthode Traditionnelle Brut NV 750ml

Daniel Le Brun is a New Zealand Méthode Traditionnelle crafted from 100% Marlborough fruit. The culmination of 12 generations of French champagne-making experience, Daniel Le Brun represents the pinnacle of New Zealand méthode.

Daniel Le Brun Méthode Traditionnelle Rosé NV 750ml

Daniel Le Brun Rosé has fresh and vibrant aromas of strawberries which are complemented by a creamy, biscuity complexity. The fine delicate mousse provides a soft creamy mouthfeel, with an appealing richness giving the wine excellent approachability.

Daniel Le Brun Méthode Traditionnelle Vintage 750ml

Maturity adds extra dimensions to this top-notch Marlborough sparkling wine, without compromising its freshness. Toasty complexity is folded through apple, citrus and creme patissiere characters in delicious balance, and the palate is ultra-smooth, long and fine with a savoury, dry signature.

Dashwood Pinot Gris 750ml

On the nose, nashi pear and white blossom greet you with supporting notes of citrus and candied ginger. On the palate, the wine is concentrated and poised with bright flavours of pear and lychee. A full bodied luscious palate with a juicy acidity carries through the palate giving the wine great drinkability and pairing with a variety of spicier dishes.

Dashwood Riesling 750ml

Marlborough is a special place for wine. Perhaps it's the cloudless skies or mild temperatures or well-drained soils. It could be the long growing season or their sustainably-farmed vineyards. Whatever the reason, the result is wines that are marked by piercingly vibrant fruit flavours and lively acidity. The Riesling delivers bright aromas of lemon and lime with hints of flower blossoms. More citrus mingles on the palate with a balanced sweetness.

Dashwood Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Marlborough is a special place for wine. Perhaps it's the cloudless skies or mild temperatures or well-drained soils. It could be the long growing season or their sustainably-farmed vineyards. Whatever the reason, the result is wines that are marked by piercingly vibrant fruit flavours and lively acidity. Scents of mango, lime and passionfruit introduce this Sauvignon Blanc. A weighty, tropical palate is in perfect harmony with the crisp, acidic finish Marlborough is known for.

De Bortoli DB Family Selection Shiraz 750ml

Bright crimson with ruby hues. Generous layers of ripe red fruits combining with notes of mint and spice. The wine has a nice silky texture mouth-feel complimenting red berry characters with a touch of peppery spice from underlying oak and integrated tannins.

De Bortoli Prosecco 750ml

De Bortoli Prosecco is easy to drink, lively and fun. Great on its own or shared with food. Pale with green hues, fruit-driven with hints of green apple and wisteria. It tastes of apple and pear with fresh pithy lemon, gentle creaminess, complete with the very fine bubbles. For a spritz with a twist, mix with Aperol and soda.

De Bortoli Prosecco 750ml

De Bortoli Prosecco is easy to drink, lively and fun. Great on its own or shared with food. Pale with green hues, fruit-driven with hints of green apple and wisteria. It tastes of apple and pear with fresh pithy lemon, gentle creaminess, complete with the very fine bubbles. For a spritz with a twist, mix with Aperol and soda.

Deutz Marlborough Cuvée Brut Méthode Traditionnelle 200ml

Deutz Marlborough Cuvee marries the best New Zealand grapes with traditional French Champagne-making techniques establishing a benchmark for New Zealand wine excellence. This is a fabulous wine, with a beautiful body balanced between the gentle sweetness of fresh Pinot Noir fruit and the immense strength of toasty yeast. Laid upon a feather bed of steady, fine mousse, and leaving a long and lingering aftertaste, Brut offers a rendezvous to remember.

Deutz Marlborough Cuvée Brut Méthode Traditionnelle 750ml

Deutz Marlborough Cuvee marries the best New Zealand grapes with traditional French Champagne-making techniques establishing a benchmark for New Zealand wine excellence. This is a fabulous wine, with a beautiful body balanced between the gentle sweetness of fresh Pinot Noir fruit and the immense strength of toasty yeast. Laid upon a feather bed of steady, fine mousse, and leaving a long and lingering aftertaste, Brut offers a rendezvous to remember.

Devil's Staircase by Rockburn Pinot Noir 750ml

The Devil's Staircase takes the willing down into the realm of decadence and bacchanalian delights. Here everything is pleasure, spiced up with a dash of naughtiness. The unrelenting environment tortures the vines whose twisted limbs produce wine worthy of absolution. These wines are sinfully succulent and devilishly good.
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