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Oyster Bay Pinot Noir 750ml

The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours. An affordable, everyday luxury.

Pa Road Pinot Noir 750ml

Marlborough Pinot Noir is making a name for its luscious textures, red berry aromatics, and complex, rewarding wines. Sourcing our Pinot Noir fruit from the finest vineyards in the Southern Valley sub-region, this wine is sophisticated, intriguing, and is the perfect accompaniment to BQ meats, nutty cheese, and mushroom dishes.

Penfolds Koonunga Hill Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Well-regarded since launch, the Koonunga Hill Cabernet Sauvignon showcases the typical cellarability that all Penfolds wines are renowned for. The wine has excellent structure and length and while it is ready for drinking now, it will gain further complexity with short term cellaring.

Pepperjack Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa's rich heritage. Traditional wine making techniques combined with an eye to modern styles led to this range of wine. The Pepperjack wines are rich, honest and vibrant in style - showcasing the Barossa's outstanding qualities. Includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Pepperjack Mid Strength 7% Shiraz 750ml

Pepperjack Mid strikes a balance between the art of traditional winemaking that Pepperjack is renowned for, and the science of cutting-edge de-alcoholisation and flavour retention technology. Still bursting with quintessential Pepperjack character, this mid-strength wine displays aromas of blackberries and plums with hints of pepper and spice.

Pepperjack Shiraz 750ml

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa's rich heritage. Traditional wine making techniques combined with an eye to modern styles led to this range of wine. The Pepperjack wines are rich, honest and vibrant in style - showcasing the Barossa's outstanding qualities Includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Peter Lehmann The Barossan Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Pour yourself a glass and delight your senses with aromas of chocolate, cassis and spice and enjoy its deep, fruity flavours.

Peter Lehmann The Barossan Shiraz 750ml

True to what the region has come to be known for ‘The Barossan’ is a quintessential expression of Barossa Shiraz.

Purple Death 750ml

Connoisseurs often drink this strange brew in conjunction with other beverages which complement, or mask, the delicate flavour of Purple Death.

Quarisa Caravan Petite Sirah 750ml

Intense red with purple hues. Intense youthful fresh ripe berry fruit flavours with some well integrated vanillin oak. Full bodied dense ripe berry fruit flavours balanced with vanillin oak but yet long and smooth. Serve with a red wine casserole or a juicy steak with red onion jam. This wine has the flavour, structure and balance to be enjoyed now or offers added satisfaction from further cellaring.

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Noir 6x750ml

Land that was once a high country sheep station is now a flourishing vineyard. Sheep and rabbits co-existed on the land for quite some time but the sheep couldn't keep up with the nocturnal activity of the rabbits, and in the end were driven off the land. Rabbits now run free on the vineyard and fuelled by high altitude Pinot Noir, some are reputed to be the size of ponies, but that's another story... The Rabbit Ranch Pinot Noir is made in a very soft, fruit forward, low tannin style - a wine to be savoured and supped, rather than an assault on the senses.

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Noir 750ml

Land that was once a high country sheep station is now a flourishing vineyard. Sheep and rabbits co-existed on the land for quite some time but the sheep couldn't keep up with the nocturnal activity of the rabbits, and in the end were driven off the land. Rabbits now run free on the vineyard and fuelled by high altitude Pinot Noir, some are reputed to be the size of ponies, but that's another story... The Rabbit Ranch Pinot Noir is made in a very soft, fruit forward, low tannin style - a wine to be savoured and supped, rather than an assault on the senses.
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