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Riunite Lambrusco Emilia IGT 750ml

A bright, vibrant red wine with fresh, fruity cherry aromas; attractive and persistent.

Rockburn Cental Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

Rockburn's 'hands-off' approach delivers a pure expression of Central Otago to your glass; an expressive nose and deeply fruited palate displaying vibrant notes of red and black cherry, rich mocha and supple, silky tannins leading into a very long finish. As always this wine shows classic Rockburn elegance, integrity and balance. Enjoy with friends over the next 4-9 years.

Rua by Akarua Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

A well-defined Central Otago Pinot Noir exhibiting juicy red fruits. Light, soft tannins compliment the savoury highlights and the finish is long and bright. This wine has won numerous awards and accolades including 95 points at the Decanter awards.

Russian Jack Martinborough Pinot Noir 750ml

An elegantly concentrated pinot noir with savoury red fruits, herb and earthy notes and a light, grainy structure with fresh acidity.

Selaks Essential Selection Pinot Noir 750ml

Our Selaks range is made in an approachable style highlighting the fresh vibrant fruit character of each variety. These wines suitable for all occasions, delivering excellent quality and consistency every vintage.

Shingle Peak Merlot 750ml

This is a fruit driven Hawkes Bay Merlot ready to drink or for the short term cellar. A perfect match with roast lamb and minted potatoes.

Shingle Peak Pinot Noir 750ml

The nose exhibits perfumed violets and dark red fruit of plum and cherry. The palate is soft, with rich ripe fruit and fine tannin structure balanced nicely with integrated lingering oak, resulting in a palate of length and complexity.

Squealing Pig Pinot Noir 750ml

Select parcels of Pinot Noir from around New Zealand went into this wonderfully fruit-driven wine, bursting with dark cherry and wild lavender aromas, with notes of red liquorice and clove and a smooth finish.

St Hugo Signature Collection Shiraz 750ml

At St Hugo, they craft wines that exude power and elegance, embodying the essence of their rich winemaking heritage. St Hugo Signature Collection Shiraz has the perfect balance of St Hugo's house style of power and elegance, being textural and mouth-coating with dense dark red fruits, overlaid with long fine tannins and subtle French oak. A stunning wine of intensity, elegance, tension, and purity that is complete and age-worthy.

Stoneleigh Marlborough Pinot Noir 750ml

In Stoneleigh's Marlborough vineyards, sunstones absorb sunshine during the day, radiating heat onto the vines at night, resulting in their distinctly vibrant wines. Stoneleigh Classic Pinot Noir opens with a blend of red fruits on the nose. Cherries, cranberries and raspberries vie for attention with smoky hints of toasty oak underlying the fruit.

Taylors Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

This is a wine of great intensity. It has distinctive blackcurrant and cassis fruit flavours. Subtle oak characters of cedar cigar box and spice are also evident. The tannins are fine and elegant - a hallmark of the varietal. The palate is well balanced, complex and fulfilling and lingers on the finish.

Taylors Estate Shiraz 750ml

The wine has a wonderful aroma displaying dark plum, redcurrant and red cherry fruits along with subtle chocolate and a touch of oak derived spice. The palate is plump & generous with ripe fruit characters of plum, cherry and redcurrant. Mocha coffee and subtle aniseed characters are also present along with vanillan oak to balance the fruit flavours. The wine is medium-bodied with a soft mid-palate & pleasing tannin structure. It is a well balanced wine with great texture, good length and enjoyable fruit flavours on the finish.
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