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Bohae Yipseju Peach Soju 360ml

Bohae stay true to the quality of the basic ingredient of SOJU as they only use the pure natural water from underground water reservoir, 253 meters below the Noryeong Mountains.

Bohae Yipseju Strawberry Soju 360ml

Yipseju, as one of the leading soju brands from South Korea, stands out for its exceptional quality. Crafted using water sourced from 253 meters underground, Yipseju ensures the highest possible purity. Yipseju resonates strongly with their key consumer groups, offering them an enticing option within the market. Yipseju Strawberry-flavoured soju combines modern soju with the sweet, vibrant flavour of strawberries. With a gentle 12% alcohol content, it delivers a delightful and refreshing experience.

Campari Bitter Apéritif 700ml

Campari has always been a symbol of intrigue and pleasure when it comes to apéritifs. The intense aroma and inspiring flavour creates a captivating and unique drinking experience. These are the values that have made the Campari brand famous throughout the world as an icon of passionate Italian style and excellence.

Canterbury Cream 700ml

Canterbury Cream has smooth and creamy taste with hints of vanilla and caramel. Pairing suggestions: Serve over ice or mixed with coffee. Pair with desserts such as cakes, ice cream, or fruit.

Cantine Florio Gran Chef Fine Ambra Demi-Sec Marsala 750ml

Amber with streaks of brown gold. Intense with subtle hints of oak and dried fruit. Balanced with a characteristic taste of almonds and hints of liquorice.

Carolans Irish Cream 700ml

Carolans Original Irish Cream Liqueur is made with the finest Irish Whiskey, farm fresh cream, and the sweetness of natural honey. Its unique taste has allowed it to become one of the largest Irish cream brands in the world.

Cazcabel Coffee Liqueur 700ml

Cazcabel tequila is created in an independent micro distillery in the town of Arandas, located in the highlands of the Jalisco mountains in Mexico. Using the fresh and earthy base of the Blanco, Cazcabel Coffee blends a roasted sweet hit of luxury arabica coffee from the coastal region of Soconusco in Mexico. It's a stunning short that can be used in innovative cocktails or enjoyed neat over ice.

Chambord Liqueur 200ml

An extremely deep, purple colour. The liqueur has a luxuriously textured, medium-weight body and a wafting herbal and fruit bouquet. Black raspberries, vanilla acacia honey, and fragrant herbs steeped in cognac. The semi-sweet palate is a lavish affair featuring raspberries, spice, herbs and a taste of honey. The flavours persist on the palate for a remarkably long finish.

Chambord Liqueur 50ml

An extremely deep, purple colour. The liqueur has a luxuriously textured, medium-weight body and a wafting herbal and fruit bouquet. Black raspberries, vanilla acacia honey, and fragrant herbs steeped in cognac. The semi-sweet palate is a lavish affair featuring raspberries, spice, herbs and a taste of honey. The flavours persist on the palate for a remarkably long finish.

Chambord Liqueur 700ml

An extremely deep, purple colour. The liqueur has a luxuriously textured, medium-weight body and a wafting herbal and fruit bouquet. Black raspberries, vanilla acacia honey, and fragrant herbs steeped in cognac. The semi-sweet palate is a lavish affair featuring raspberries, spice, herbs and a taste of honey. The flavours persist on the palate for a remarkably long finish.

Chartreuse Green Liqueur 700ml

Green Chartreuse is a French Liqueur made by the Carthusian Monks since the 1740s. It comprises of distilled alcohol aged with 130 herbal extracts.

Cointreau 50ml

Cointreau is crafted through the distillation of all-natural sweet and bitter orange peels, resulting in a crystal clear liqueur that strikes the perfect balance between sweetness and freshness. Rich and strong orange flavour with fruity, floral and herbaceous notes.
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