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Cointreau 700ml

Cointreau is crafted through the distillation of all-natural sweet and bitter orange peels, resulting in a crystal clear liqueur that strikes the perfect balance between sweetness and freshness. Rich and strong orange flavour with fruity, floral and herbaceous notes.

De Kuyper Blue Curaçao Liqueur 700ml

De Kuyper originated in 1695 in Rotterdam, Netherlands and has developed over three centuries into a global player. In 1955 on it's 300th Anniversary and in recognition of three centuries of distilling excellence, De Kuyper was awarded the Dutch title 'Royal Distillers'.

De Kuyper Cherry Brandy Liqueur 500ml

Extract from dark red cherries, subtly enhanced with exotic spices, blended with fine Brandy.

De Kuyper Mango Liqueur 700ml

De Kuyper originated in 1695 in Rotterdam, Netherlands and has developed over three centuries into a global player in the area of Liqueurs and Advocaat.

De Kuyper Watermelon Liqueur 700ml

All the flavours of a ripe, juicy watermelon are captured. Enjoy on-the-rocks in a Martini or any fancy mixed drink.

Disaronno Originale 700ml

Disaronno Originale is the world's favourite Italian liqueur. Featuring an original taste and an unmistakable aroma Disaronno Originale is a stylish and timeless icon of the Italian Dolcevita. Disaronno is a pleasure to enjoy on the rocks as well as in its various mixed drinks. The sweet almond aroma on the nose is bright and lively. The almond flavour is not super cloying and gives a nutty, toasted backnote on the finish. Softer on the palate however with a rather short, sweet flavour of almond and marzipan.

Drambuie The Isle of Skye Liqueur 700ml

Drambuie is a honey and herb flavoured golden scotch whisky liqueur made from aged malt whisky, heather honey and a secret blend of herbs and spices. The flavour suggests saffron, honey, anise, nutmeg and an herbal earthiness.

Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur 700ml

Frangelico tantalises the senses with a rich hazelnut flavour that comes from the tonda gentile hazelnuts of Southern Piedmont. They are bigger, plumper and more uniform. Perfect for toasting and without a bitter taste, giving Frangelico its surprising golden sweetness.

Galliano Amaretto 500ml

Galliano Amaretto is a rich and especially well-balanced. The bitter almond flavour is obtained by mixing the pure essence of bitter almonds with essential oils of geranium, rose and orris. Besides the familiar marzipan and bitter almond flavour, it contains hints of roasted cacao beans and Madagascar vanilla. The subtle note of sweet and sour cherries comes from the flesh and stones of the fruit. The distillate is left to age for a few weeks to develop the sweet, caramel and bitter aromas, which results in the unique feature of Galliano Amaretto.

Galliano Black Liquore Alla Sambuca 500ml

Galliano Sambuca Black is a deep 'Liquore alla Sambuca'. The delicate liqueur gets its colour from blending the original recipe with elderberries, turning the Sambuca liqueur a deep blue almost inky black shade. Quite unusual. The signature aniseed aroma and lingering essential oils, are accompanied by an intense and spicy berry finish. A delicate charmer.

Galliano Black Liquore Alla Sambuca 700ml

Galliano Sambuca Black is a deep 'Liquore alla Sambuca'. The delicate liqueur gets its colour from blending the original recipe with elderberries, turning the Sambuca liqueur a deep blue almost inky black shade. Quite unusual. The signature aniseed aroma and lingering essential oils, are accompanied by an intense and spicy berry finish. A delicate charmer.

Galliano Sambuca White 500ml

Galliano Sambuca White contains a very rare Chinese star aniseed from South China and North Vietnam. Married with the beautiful flavours of Mediterranean aniseed, fennel and a touch of mint, one captures the distinctive aroma of Galliano Sambuca White. To complete the bouquet, a variety of botanical essential oils is added, leaving a subtle sensation on the palate.
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