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Stoneleigh Marlborough Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

In Stoneleigh's Marlborough vineyards, sunstones absorb sunshine during the day, radiating heat onto the vines at night, resulting in their distinctly vibrant wines. Lifted strawberry and delicate raspberry aromas lead to red cherry and cranberry flavours complemented by fresh acidity and a crisp finish. Serve lightly chilled as an aperitif or with salmon, chicken or pork dishes.

Stoneleigh Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 6x750ml

In Stoneleigh's Marlborough vineyards, sunstones absorb sunshine during the day, radiating heat onto the vines at night, resulting in their distinctly vibrant wines. Stoneleigh Sauvignon Blanc displays fresh and varietally true aromas of passionfruit and cut grass. On the palate, vibrant citrus fights to burst through before a succulent and crisp finish. Intensely fruity and very drinkable, this wine is a terrific aperitif and also pairs deliciously with seafood.

Stoneleigh Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

In Stoneleigh's Marlborough vineyards, sunstones absorb sunshine during the day, radiating heat onto the vines at night, resulting in their distinctly vibrant wines. Stoneleigh Sauvignon Blanc displays fresh and varietally true aromas of passionfruit and cut grass. On the palate, vibrant citrus fights to burst through before a succulent and crisp finish. Intensely fruity and very drinkable, this wine is a terrific aperitif and also pairs deliciously with seafood.

Stoneleigh Organic Chardonnay 750ml

An organic wine grown in living soil. This Chardonnay wine is a true reflection of the grape. Clean and vibrant, a pure expression of New Zealand nature. This wine exhibits bright citrus and ripe stone fruit aromas entwined with subtle notes of clove and oakspice. The palate is fresh and vibrant with ripe flavours of juicy peach merged with nutty lees and ginger highlights. A fresh and elegant Chardonnay with some depth of stone fruits, nutty lees and oak flavours on a fresh, fine textured palate.

Stoneleigh Organic Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Powerfully aromatic, with intense passionfruit, capsicum, fennel and white pepper notes. Punchy flavours of citrus and green herbs complete this lively wine, sitting on vibrant fruit acids, and leading to a persistent finish.

Te Mata Estate Chardonnay 750ml

Sourced exclusively from Te Mata Estate's own vineyards. This Estate Vineyards Chardonnay was harvested from Bridge Pa Triangle, Woodthorpe Terraces and Havelock Hills vineyards. White gold in the glass, immediate refreshing appeal of ripe nectarine and lemon sorbet edged with sea-salt, roast almond and a hint of smoke from French oak. Delicious on its own, or a wonderful partner for both simply prepared and fuller flavoured seafood and white meat dishes.

Te Mata Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Vibrant guava and vibrant passionfruit on the nose give way to gooseberry, coriander and aniseed on the palate - rich, complex botanicals that add alluring detail to this wine.

Te Whare Ra Chardonnay 750ml

The growing conditions in Marlborough mean that it is well-suited for the production of world class Chardonnay. A relatively cool climate results in a long, even growing season which is great for flavour development. This means that TWR can make a style of Chardonnay which balances concentration and complexity, whilst retaining the finesse that a higher natural acidity brings - which is unashamedly the style they like to drink!

Te Whare Ra Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

TWR's aim with this, their classic style of Sauvignon Blanc, is to put 100% effort into making a wine that silences all the doubters and which restores faith in this region and the amazing quality of the wines from here. This Sauvignon Blanc is a blend from specially selected vineyards in two different sub-regions of Marlborough and is all grown and made by The Flowerday Family.

Te Whare Ra Single Vineyard 5182 Riesling 'M' 750ml

TWR's passion for making and drinking Riesling is based partly on the wide variety of styles that this variety can produce. This Riesling 'M' is designed from the 'vineyard-in' in a medium-dry style and is dangerously drinkable. Lifted aromas of mandarin, pink grapefruit, and white peach follow onto vibrant, ripe flavours of the same with juicy lime with underlying slatey mineral notes. This wine is fine and soft with excellent fruit weight and concentration to counterbalance the mouth-watering acidity.

Te Whare Ra Single Vineyard 5182 Toru 750ml

Toru is a delicious, co-fermented 'field blend' of three varieties - Gewürztraminer, Riesling and Pinot Gris. Toru has an intriguing nose with notes of mango, fresh citrus, white florals and exotic spices. These lead into a multi-layered palate with flavours of mango, citrus, red apple and lychee with a lingering spiciness. The palate has excellent fruit concentration and weight with lovely creamy texture, plus a mineral edge which gives it great length of flavour.

The Last Shepherd Chardonnay 6x750ml

The Last Shepherd Chardonnay has fruit driven flavours, toasty French oak, buttery notes, and a deliciously good story. Gisborne boasts being the first city in the world to be touched by the rays of a new dawn. Sheltering high country to the west and high sunshine hours result in long dry summers. A full bodied, rich style of Chardonnay which is classic of the Gisborne region. This wine displays fruit driven aromas of apricot and melon, a textural palate balanced with buttery notes, and rounded off with toasty oak characteristics.
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