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Tohu Nelson Chardonnay 750ml

This Nelson Chardonnay displays vibrant aromas of bright citrus zest, ripe stonefruit and subtle hints of warm, spicy French oak. On the palate flavours of white peach, ginger, juicy grapefruit and notes of toasted nut take this medium bodied and elegantly textured wine to a lusciously long and persistent finish.

Tohu Nelson Rosé 750ml

A delicate rose-gold hue in the glass, this luminous Nelson Rosé displays bright aromas of red pear and crushed cranberry. The vibrant palate of pink plum and ripe citrus is underpinned with notes of fresh fig and a subtle hint of crab-apple. With just a touch of balancing sweetness this delightfully vibrant and fresh Rosé has a wonderfully long, luscious and persistent finish.

Torea Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The nose on this single vineyard expression exhibits stone fruit, passionfruit underscored with subtle herbaceousness. The palate is rich and full with a hint of sweetness, tropical fruits abound with capsicum and melon, the wine finishes with crisp acidity.

Villa Maria Cellar Selection Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

George Fistonich started Villa Maria as a one-man band in 1961. An icon of the NZ wine industry, this family owned company became a global brand in just 50 years. Villa Maria's Cellar Selection is an intensely flavoured, elegant and food-friendly wine range.

Villa Maria Private Bin Chardonnay 6x750ml

This wine is fruit-driven in style, exhibiting ripe peach with underlying citrus blossom and fig characters. On the palate, these flavours are enhanced by a creamy texture and a delicate suggestion of oak. A medium bodied Chardonnay that is styled for enjoyment upon release with or without food.

Villa Maria Private Bin Chardonnay 750ml

This wine is fruit-driven in style, exhibiting ripe peach with underlying citrus blossom and fig characters. On the palate, these flavours are enhanced by a creamy texture and a delicate suggestion of oak. A medium bodied Chardonnay that is styled for enjoyment upon release with or without food.

Villa Maria Private Bin Pinot Gris 6x750ml

This East Coast Pinot Gris shines with crisp, cool climate flavours of fresh and inviting ripe nashi pear, crunchy red apple and floral blossoms, leading to a rich and delicately balanced mouthfeel with a delicious off-dry finish.

Villa Maria Private Bin Pinot Gris 750ml

This East Coast Pinot Gris shines with crisp, cool climate flavours of fresh and inviting ripe nashi pear, crunchy red apple and floral blossoms, leading to a rich and delicately balanced mouthfeel with a delicious off-dry finish.

Villa Maria Private Bin Rosé 6x750ml

This delicious Rosé has lovely hues of pink with copper undertones and displays an explosion of fresh strawberries and pink grapefruit supported by subtle baking spice. The palate has generous fruit but finishes crisp and refreshing.

Villa Maria Private Bin Rosé 750ml

This delicious Rosé has lovely hues of pink with copper undertones and displays an explosion of fresh strawberries and pink grapefruit supported by subtle baking spice. The palate has generous fruit but finishes crisp and refreshing.

Villa Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc 6x750ml

This is the Sauvignon Blanc that put Villa Maria on the world map. A blend of both Marlborough's Wairau and Awatere Valleys, their winemakers take great care to ensure this wine showcases exceptional balance and consistency every vintage. The room-filling aromatics and strikingly crisp character of our Private Bin Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc are why it is so popular and such a memorable experience.

Villa Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This is the Sauvignon Blanc that put Villa Maria on the world map. A blend of both Marlborough's Wairau and Awatere Valleys, their winemakers take great care to ensure this wine showcases exceptional balance and consistency every vintage. The room-filling aromatics and strikingly crisp character of our Private Bin Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc are why it is so popular and such a memorable experience.
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