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Barossa Black Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Full bodied an opulent with black plum, red berry fruit and dark chocolate flavours. The palate has smooth tannins and a long finish.

Barossa Black Double Oak Tawny Oak Shiraz 750ml

Smooth and full bodied with flavours of blackberry, dark chocolate and spicy oak characters are enhanced by the Tawny oak ageing which leads to flavours of caramel, dried fruit, and nuts.

Barossa Black Shiraz 750ml

Smooth and full bodied with flavours of blackberry, dark chocolate and spicy oak characters, followed by a concentrated palate displaying excellent depth and density.

Bay and Barnes Block Chardonnay 750ml

Bay and Barnes leaned on our cousins across the ditch for the grapes to make this classic Australian Chardonnay. Following harvest, fruit was gently pressed before settling. Specially selected yeasts were used to start fermentation. From there the wine was delicately matured on oak and lees stirred to impart lovely toasty flavours and a creamy texture.

Bay and Barnes Block Merlot 750ml

This Merlot was sourced from premium vineyards. Immediately following harvest fruit undertook fermentation on skins to lock in colour and flavour. It was then gently pressed and matured on oak to develop subtle toasty and mocha flavours and a rich smooth palate. The resulting wine a has dark, inky colour followed by a rewarding, silky mouthfeel and intense, rich plum flavour. Enjoy this Merlot with crispy five spice-scented, Peking duck pancakes with hoisin sauce and Asian greens.

Bay and Barnes Block Pinot Gris 750ml

Fruit sourced from Australia brings to this wine delicacy and minerality. Each parcel of Pinot Gris is harvested at optimal ripeness, the subtle residual sweetness and time on lees add weight to this wine. Pair this Pinot Gris with a Thai green chicken curry, or good old-fashioned roast pork.

Bay and Barnes Block Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is sourced from vineyards throughout Marlborough's Wairau Valley. A range of carefully selected aromatic and texture enhancing yeasts were used during fermentation. Parcels of wine were tasted and blended with precision to create a delicious Sauvignon Blanc which showcases classic Marlborough character.

Bay and Barnes Block Shiraz 750ml

This Australian Shiraz from the Riverland winegrowing region in South Eastern Australia. This hot, dry winegrowing region is famous for ripe, generous, classic Aussie Shiraz with delicious sweet red berry flavours. Harvested at perfect ripeness, fruit was immediately processed at the winery and fermented on skins to maximise flavour and colour. Maturation in oak.

Black Cottage Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

This Pinot Noir has a deep ruby colour and offers a complex aroma of dark forest fruits, wild thyme and subtle smoke. The palate has flavours of vibrant blackberries and cherries, with a glossy mouthfeel, delicate acidity and plush tannins. Pair with chargrilled meats and game dishes.

Black Cottage Chardonnay 750ml

Pale golden colour with great luminosity. It has a pleasant aroma of green olives with a hint of minerality. It boasts lively fragrances of white nectarines, almonds, a touch of cloves, and brioche. The palate has subtle creaminess and butterscotch, with a purity of fruit and concentration. The wine showcases a delightful harmony between its refreshing acidity and smooth texture. Enjoyed best in the sunshine with great company and a delicious meal of pan-fried fish topped with lemon butter and caper sauce.

Black Cottage Pinot Gris 750ml

A refreshingly dry pinot gris, filled with expressive aromas of Lily of the valley, biscotti, pear, and almond. The palate is well-balanced with mouthwatering acidity. Flavours of pine nut and pretty florals of Mexican orange blossom come through with Honeydew melon and cucumber on the finish.

Black Cottage Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Pale straw in colour, this Sauvignon Blanc has a complex nose of paw paw, passionfruit, pineapple and a touch of cut grass and crushed herbs. The juicy palate is packed full of tropical fruits and lime zest with a hint of sweet pea and crunchy red capsicum. Good balance and refreshing acidity complete this expressive wine. Try with fresh seafood or light, seasonal salads.
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