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Brown Brothers Sparkling Moscato 750ml

Sparkling Moscato has a bright vibrant colour with a youthful green hue. The wine has lifted musk aromas along with freshly crushed grapes and a sherbet perfume. The palate also shows these characters along with a tight citrus core that balances the fruitiness of this refreshing full sparkling wine. Serve well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

Brown Brothers Sparkling Moscato Rosé 750ml

This wine has a bright pink strawberry hue, giving it a light and delicate appearance. Due to a small addition of Cienna the wine has lifted red berry aromas along with freshly crushed grapes and a spicy perfume. The palate also shows these characters along with a fruitiness that is balanced by acidity and the refreshing full sparkling sensation. Serve well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

Camshorn Pinot Noir 750ml

Camshorn Waipara Pinot Noir is a wine that certainly doesn't pull the wool over your eyes - an outstanding varietal and regional expression produced with exceptional quality.

Canti Prosecco DOC Millesimato 750ml

Light golden hues and a satisfyingly fragrant bouquet, with a crisp, lively palate of dry, fruity peach and pear characters. Great aperitif.

Cantine Florio Gran Chef Fine Ambra Demi-Sec Marsala 750ml

Amber with streaks of brown gold. Intense with subtle hints of oak and dried fruit. Balanced with a characteristic taste of almonds and hints of liquorice.

Carrick Unravelled Pinot Noir 750ml

Uncomplicated, upfront and enjoyable. Signature black cherry fruit flavours.

Casa Malbec 1.5 Litre

Full of aromas of juicy dark cherry and black plum that lead to a velvety smooth finish with flavours of dark fruit and nuances of raspberry and plum.

Casa Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 1.5 Litre

A medium bodied red wine, silky texture and fine tannins. The palate is full of red fruits, plum and black cherry.

Casa Tempranillo 1.5 Litre

A dark ruby red that leads to a medium bodied palate that's dry. Smooth tannins are enhanced by blackberry and blueberry flavours.

Chasseur Dry White 3 Litre

Value for money table wines.

Chasseur Medium White 3 Litre

Value for money table wines.

Château d'Esclans Whispering Angel Côtes de Provence Rosé 2021 750ml

Made from Grenache, Cinsault and Rolle (Vermentino) grapes, its pale colour is pleasing to the eye and draws one in. The rewarding taste profile is full and lush while being bone dry with a smooth finish. A blend of the best free run juices and press juices, fermented and aged in stainless steel with temperature control.
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